What Teachers Say

“I can honestly say that this is one of the finest schools that I have ever been a part of. The children are wholesome and happy. The school’s high academic standards and commitment to excellence are admirable. It blesses my heart to watch students and teachers pray for each other. This school is a little piece of heaven on earth.”

Shelly Fluke, Art Teacher

“I love GDA’s focus on discipleship. Education is the means by which we form a student’s affections.  We are literally shaping the way they see the world around them and here I get to focus on so much more than just teaching facts…I get to focus on their hearts!”

Kandi Playford, Logic School Science Teacher

“I love that I can share with my students a rich history of humanity along with the rich beauty and truth of our faith. I also enjoy collaborating with parents to meet the unique needs of every student. I love being part of a school community that understands the need for children to have frequent recess and that frees me to teach the whole child instead of to a standardized test.”

Kim Patenaude, Grammar School teacher